If you’re a non-current pilot, rusty pilot or lapsed pilot, we want to be the first to welcome you back to flying!
Think you’ve lost too much and forgotten everything? Afraid it’ll be like starting over? No worries, We’ll get you back in the left seat fast!
Returning to aviation, you should familiarize yourself with changes to procedures and regulations in order to make a smooth transition back to flying. The following information highlights changes in regulations and procedures that have affected the aviation industry.
To rejoin your fellow aviators in the sky, you’ll need:
Flight Review per § 61.56
Three takeoffs and landings per § 61.57
Medical fitness § 61.303 sport, § 61.23 private
FAA medical certificate application suspended, denied, or revoked
Unfortunately, if you have had your most recent FAA medical certificate application suspended, denied, or revoked by the FAA you are not allowed to operate using your driver’s license. You must go back and clear the medical problem with the FAA which usually is not easy. But, once you get this cleared, you can let your medical expire and then operate as a sport pilot using your driver’s license as medical eligibility.
Make sure you do not fail a medical, use your driver’s license and fly LSA as a sport pilot if there is any question as to passing the medical. Part § 67 was more details on specific requirements.
If you’re a private pilot wanting to fly aircraft that does not meet the criteria of light-sport aircraft (LSA), you’ll have to get an FAA 3rd class medical. However, the flight review and three takeoffs and landing currency can be done in an LSA.
Plastic pilot certificate
If you haven’t yet, you’ll have to upgrade to a plastic pilot certificate. All pilots had to upgrade to a plastic pilot certificate by March 31, 2010.
Plastic certificates are deemed more counterfeit-resistant. All newly issued plastic certificates automatically include the English Proficient endorsement, which is required to comply with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) rule that all member countries (that includes the U.S.) issue pilot certificates that state the pilot is English Proficient if that pilot plans to use the certificate outside of his or her home country.