Types of Ultralights

Different types of ultralights mean there is an accessible, affordable, and exhilarating experience in aviation for everyone.


The next step is to think about what type of ultralight aircraft you’d like to fly:

  • Trikes / Weight-Shift Trikes are available in both single-seat ultralight versions as well as two-seat light-sport aircraft.
  • Airplane / Fixed-Wing From basic open-frame designs to fully enclosed cockpits and streamlined designs are available in both single-seat ultralight versions as well as two-seat light-sport aircraft.
  • Unpowered (Gliders/Sailplanes) If you’re looking for the joy and serenity of silent flight, there are a number of popular u-powered designs available.
  • Powered Parachutes / Powered Paragliders Parafoil-type wings with a gas engine or electric motor to provide forward propulsion.
  • Rotorcraft Rotorcraft can generally be divided into two categories: helicopters and gyroplanes.
  • Lighter Than Air There are lighter-than-air ultralights, including “backpack balloons” and even powered airships.


We recommend you take an introductory flight in as many different types of ultralights as you can. While ultralight aircraft are, by definition, single seaters, in some cases there are similar two-seater types available for demonstration flights or instruction.

You can contact the manufacturer of a particular type directly, or just reach out to Sport Aviation Center or use our Sport Pilot Locator to find a local flight instructor or facility where you can take that first flight.